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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Open a New Yahoo Email Address without Registration

I was engaged in conversation with my colleague in the office today and asked the following questions:
Need an extra email address for work, school or family without wanting to go through the hassles of opening a new email account?
Have felt like changing your yahoomail account user name or you think your email account name is childish and you want something mature and not “vague-sounding”?
The answer I got from Adeniyi was a resounding “YES” although not without asking me a question of his own wanting to know if I feel like that as well I told him “I need to”. With that conversation already a stale gist in the office already, I decided to explore my yahoo mail options as to how to forward my email to my HTC Desire Z phone which for the umpteenth time I formatted today because I want a custom ROM on my phone and the phone was beginning to all of a sudden “tire me” and lo and behold I stumbled on the solutions to the questions I asked Adeniyi earlier. I tried it and it worked and I have decided to share my findings. To Get an extra, free email address linked to your existing email account. Login to yahoo mail account,
Go to Options—Mail Options—Advanced options –Mail Accounts -- Create an extra email address
Follow the on-screen instructions from yahoo and obtain your extra email address Now that you're all set up, here are a few things you can do:
Send messages from your extra email address or the old email user name -- just pick one using the pull-down menu beside From:
Receive messages sent to both addresses in your existing account
Log in anywhere on the Yahoo! network (Mail, Answers, Messenger -- the list goes on and on...) Pretty exciting, eh? So start putting that new extra email address to work now. And there you have it Please note that You can only have one extra address at a time

RELEASED: iOS 5.0.1, available as an OTA update

Apple has released the iOS 5.0.1 update that they promised last week. The update is now available as an Over The Air (OTA) download and weighs in at 44.6 MB.
The biggest improvement with this update will be to the battery life of you iOS device, which was apparently due to a bug in the software. This update promises to squish that bug and we are already hearing from users that their battery life is back to normal.
Another major change is the reappearance of the multi-touch gestures on the original iPad. These were a part of the developer beta builds for iOS 5 but strangely disappeared in the final version.
Other changes include improved voice recognition for Australian users using dictation and bugs with Documents in the Cloud being taken care of.
CNET is also reporting that iOS 5.0.1 takes care of the bug that was exploited by developerCharlie Miller with his app, that eventually led to his app being removed and him being kicked out of the developer program.
So overall, it's quite a significant update. Check your iOS device to see if the update is available for download right now, if you haven't already.

Friday, November 11, 2011

OVI-ously:Nokia Officially Drops Ovi and Beta Name, Now Nokia Suite

The Nokia Suite application is available for download over at the official Nokia support page. After a one month beta period the application is out dropping the Ovi nametag and adding a few other goodies too.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Nokia Kinetic flexible phone:The Future Of Nokia

Nokia unveiled a couple of really interesting prototypes at the start of the second day of Nokia World 2011. We give you the first of those - the Nokia Kinetic flexible phone. The device comes with a large flexible OLED display that you can bend from the middle or from around the edges.

Android Market app gets updated to 3.1.11, lets you Auto add shortcuts

Google has released a newer version of the Android Market app. v3.1.11 is currently rolling out to devices and should be available for download soon on your device.
gsmarena 001 Android Market app gets updated to 3.1.11, lets you auto update all apps
Among the list of changes is the ability to auto-update all the apps. Initially, you had to manually go to every app on the Market and select the auto-update option. Now the phone will update the apps in the background whenever a new update comes out.
Another new feature is the ability to restrict auto app updates only over Wi-Fi, so even if you have auto-update enabled, you don’t have to worry about large apps getting downloaded in the background and consuming expensive data.
Third major feature is the ability to automatically put an icon for the app on the homescreen once it finishes downloading, something that Honeycomb could already do.
Apart from these there are minor changes to the UI, such as a smaller font, new icon, rating chart on app pages and a microphone button in search menu for voice search.
You can download the app from the source link below.

[Exclusive Download] Google Music 4.0.1 Built For ICS - All New Interface, Better Controls, And More

Without further ado, it is my pleasure to present to you the new and improved Google Music 4.0.1!

What's New

In short -- everything. Music 4.0.1 bring a new interface with more options, better controls, and an all around cleaner look. Let's have a look at the old and the new, shall I?
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Left: Old, Right: New
As you can see, Music 4 still has the same overall look as Music 3 with a few minor changes: the tabs are cleaner and the player area at the bottom takes up less space.
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The Selection menu has also taken on a minor change: instead of a popup in the middle of the screen, it now displays a dialog-style box directly below the artist. The available offline option is also missing from this menu, but don't fret - it simply moved to the context Menu (thanks, rougegoat). These two things are definitely the most minor of all the changes -- it gets better from here.
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The Player interface has also received a subtle makeover to match the rest of the app. It's clean and sleek, with less obtrusive buttons and more agile controls. Also noteworthy is the inclusion of a 'search' button in the top right, which is clearly due to ICS's lack of a physical search key.
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Tapping on the album cover in Music 3 offers very few additional controls -- just shuffle and repeat. Tap the album cover in Music 4, though, and you'll more options and details about the currently playing track and artists. Music 4 also offers track rating by way of thumbs up and thumbs down, so you'll hear more of what you like and less of what you don't.


How unfair would it be for me to keep this all to myself? It wouldn't, and I love you all, so here it is for your downloading pleasure: Google Music 4.0.1 APK.
